Wednesday 14 December 2011

Oh look, some news

Sooo, that exciting news from last weeks Mumvember post? No, it doesn't involve peeing on a stick or demanding my cradle back. Not that I'd be completely adverse to those things.
You remember that little lust have list I made last month? Well I've made a bit of head way on a couple of things, like.. I dunno...buying a freaking house!!!
Like, this one! My mumma and I (well more mum than me, apparently I'm living off $800 less a month than the average married with 2 kids couple. Go figure) are getting all sign-y so I can start paying off and owning my first house. OOOHH YEEEAHHH!!!

Actually the trip mention in last weeks post was actually to look at a different place, next door to my parents actually. There's several paddocks and quite a few blue gums between the 2 places, so it's not THAT close.
It was a lovely old place, partially renovated due to the bank reneging at the last possible second. 2 large sheds and an old hay shed, all on 7 acres. Unfortunately someone topped our offer so we decided to let it slide.
Mum and Dad had a look through the next one (yep, that one up there) a week before auction day. Mum put an offer in THE DAY BEFORE AUCTION and it got accepted. Woohoo! Made a flying trip down exactly a week after the first to, you know, see what I was pay for. Although it's technically 2 bedroom there is a formal lounge that would make a fabulous master bedroom with the old fireplace. Electric cooking though and it has no bath or sheds. On the plus side the backyard is SO much bigger than I expected and it has 2 water tanks. On a bigger plus side, I can put a nail in the wall and paint the lounge whatever lurid shade I so desire. You know I'ma gunna do it, just cos I can.

In other fantabulous news, I've been offered a place a UniSA to do Nursing. Although not the double degree I was initially planning on doing, I think I just may accept it and work on the Midwifery a little down the track.

So excited, and SO hoping this is the beginning of something wonderful!

Monday 5 December 2011

Last week of MUMvember

Nov. 28 - Make an Effort Monday
I know it doesn't look like much but I did actually make an effort with my hair. It's usually just up in a quick messy bun. Today I even made sure the part was straight at the back! Also slicked on a bit of lippy, ooooooo.
Lookin' a bit shabby as I took these when we got home

              - Be Spontaneous
My initial plan was to take the kidlets to the Melbourne Myer windows and to the Crown Christmas Spectacular, but while playdating with Missy Indy we decided to do the Crown thing with them.
So...after making myself pretty then cutting hubby's hair short - like REAL short, like no comb short - I threw the kids in the car and tore off to the train station. Thank goodness I decided to bypass the petrol station and see when the next train was because I saw people milling around on the platform. Whipped out the pram, chucked children and bags in and raced to the platform to have the train pull up a minute later. Phew!
Poor shy Miss Emmy wouldn't sit down opposite the old couple and spent the whole trip hiding behind the pram across the aisle and looking out the window.
Once we FINALLY got out of Southern Cross Station (we were on the last platform and I was so disorientated) my little trooper and I walkd all the way to Bourke Street and the Myer Windows.
She LOVED it! It was so gorgeous watching her dancing around to the music.
I thought we'd have a bit of an explore of the Melbourne Museum as well.
Emmy just kept skipping from one thing to another, unable to decide what to look at next. Unfortunately it wasn't until I looked at the time and thought it might be time to leave that I saw that there was a children's gallery. DARN! Definitely paying another visit soon.
Bribed little miss with donuts to actually get her to leave (after dragging her butt in there in the first place!) And finally got the poor tired possum to sit in the pram for me.
Quick stop at Krispy Kreme for donuts (mmmmmmm, donuts) and coffe, and we were on our way back home to tell daddy our adventures.

Nov. 29 - Listen to your kids
Having hubby drive while going to my parents I was able to turn around to look at the kiddies when they where talking (when they weren't sleeping that is).

There's some exciting news concerning this little trip that I'll be writing about soon

Nov. 30 - Treat Yourself!
Do I need to say more!!

I think I'll pick 1 or 2 of these to do each week from now on. It's been really fun.

Monday 28 November 2011

Week 4 Funis Mumis

Nov. 21 - Bust again

Nov. 22 - Play!
Off to the playground with daddy

MUM! Don't take my photo

Nov. 23 - Read your favourite childhood book
Animalia! Love trying to find something new I've missed.

Nov. 24 - Tell a Mum You Care
Sent off a little note to a lovely blogging mummy. Although I haven't met her in real life she just makes me smile and is a little ray of sunshine.

Nov. 25 - Plan a Playdate
Had a bit of a play at the park with Miss Emmy's friend Indy. Then went for milkshakes and continued on to Miss Indy's house for more playing (and butt changing since that's kinda why we left the park.)

              - French Fry Friday
Since we ended up staying until 6pm I declared Fish 'n' chips for tea.
Waiting for our chips
Nov. 26 - Break the rules
PJ DAY!!! With movies and junk.

Nov. 27 - Rock on!
To some music program on the telly! I actually can't find my cd's, how flipping annoying!

Saturday 26 November 2011

Lust Haves

View more images of the TM 31...
My parents have one and it is AWESOME. It chops, grinds, mixes, steams, weighs, cooks, kneads, and generally does almost everything. I'm in love with the tuna dip we make in it.
If you ever get the chance to see a demo, GO TO IT.

DR. MARTENS 20 Eyelet Boot - Knee High Boots - Shoes - Photo
20 up Doc Martens
I just want a decent pair of black flat knee high boots.

A house
I am really longing for a place of my own, somewhere that is mine. I want to paint walls, hang pictures where I want, knock down a wall, do anything I want without having to consult a property manager and landlord. NOT HAVE BLOODY 6 MONTHLY INSPECTIONS!!
I want a veggie patch, my own garden, build a sandpit.
Aaahhh, one day.

Green - Toddler Anytimes Nappy
Green Kids Nappies
I just want more. So far they have worked really well. I just want more!

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Fun Mum Week 3

If you missd them Week 1 & Week 2 of Kidspots MUMvember challenge
This week marks half way. YEAH!

Nov. 14 - Be an active mum
Went for a walk to post Miss Emmy's letter then took the long way back. Unfortunately madam had a sore foot and I ended up piggy-backing her while trying to push the stroller. I'm sure it was a rather funny sight to the few people who walked/drove past us.

Nov. 15 - Listen to your kids
Rather interesting when packing frantically to leave for my parents! I won't mention the fact I probably should have done it the day before. A WHOLE lot easier while driving in the car. Poor Miss Emmy was asking Mr Oblivious Dad to close the window as it

Nov. 16 - Be an active mum
Mum, Sis and I went for our morning walk pushing the kiddies in the prams. Even saw a kangaroo!

Nov. 17 - Give yourself a time out
I spent a considerable amount of the day curled up on the bed reading. 'Twas rather lovely.

Nov. 18 - Play!

Sis and I took the kiddies over to Mount Gambier for the afternoon/evening. Started at the library (if you get the chance go there, IT'S AWESOMELY FANTASTIC!) just a quick trip as we failed to lift mum's library card so didn't borrow anything. A bit of drawing, clicking the mouse at the kids computers, and a run through the tunnel then off to get a choccy milkshake at the library cafe. Discovered I had no indicators (darn!), drove very carefully to the Valley Lake playground where we spent a good 2 hours playing then chasing the ducks.

Nov. 19 - Bake something
Should have got a photo of this one! Thanks to Fat Mum Slim I made a Tim Tam Tart. I modified it to do a big one instead of little ones. It was a great success, everyone loved it. I served up half of it and planned on using the other half for dessert but some sneaky sneaks ate the rest of it.

Nov. 20 - K, so this day was a bit of a bust. I did end up doing more reading though.

Monday 14 November 2011

Week 2 of being a fun mum

Kinda fell asleep putting the kiddies to bed last night before I could do this post. Doh!
Still doing the Kidspot MUMvember challenge, and here's last weeks (in case you can't see it :p)

Nov. 07 - Kiss your sleeping babies

Got a pictures this week

Nov. 08 - Plan a Playdate
Kinda cheaty as we meet up most weeks but I love learning more of these mummies. This week was really quick as the 3 of us who met up had shopping to do. We met up at our local Westfield for the free kids activity. Gingerbread decorating! (sadly I was too distracted by a toddler and preschooler with bright blue icing to take photos) Usually we'll have a bit of morning tea/lunch after the activity but since Mr A was turning 2 on the weekend A's mummy had to organise a cake and grab more deco's, and Preggy Mummy and I had to buy presents. On a side note, PM and I bumped into each other while PM was being harassed into Pixie photos. That Pixie Photo lady is a ninja!

Nov. 09 - Take a photo of the kids, and make sure you're in it!
 Smooshie face

Nov. 10 - Wear something different
I love these boots but don't get to wear them often. I was actually looking for a pair of black leather flats when I ended up buying these a couple of years ago.
When playgroup day came around this week I thought why not!

Nov. 11 - French Fry Friday

Nov. 12 - Have a reverse meal
Ice-cream for arvo tea. Chocolate sauce, choc chips and mini marshmallows. YUM!
Instead of having dessert right before tea I decided to have it a bit earlier. The kiddies, Miss Emmy especially, gets rather hyped up after sugar and I would rather not have them both racing around the house at 10 at night!

Nov. 13 - Write a letter and post it
I'm going to send it to my parents place since we are going there tomorrow. Will be a bit more special as Miss Emmy usually gos to check the mail.

Sunday 6 November 2011

MUMvember - Fun mum month

I'm participating in Kidspot's MUMvember challenge. I'm mixing them around and may do a couple twice as there are a few that probably aren't practical with young kids but I'll give 'em a good crack.

Here is my first week.

Nov. 01 - Plan a picnic dinner
Not exactly planned, more slapped together, but it was a bit of fun. Everyone sitting around the kiddy table and having our chippies, garlic bread, and my dodgy homemade rissoles.

Nov. 02 - Make a date with yourself
MY BIRTHDAY!! Went to the movies All. By. My. Self. 2 hours of chocolate, coke, and Matthew MacFadyen and Orlando Bloom in 3D. Oh yeah!

Nov. 03 - Kiss your sleeping babies
I get to do this every night.
I was going to take a photo of them but after screaming at them to go to bed then feeling really bad I ended up jumping in bed with Emmy, giving her a cuddle and going to sleep. I might sneak on in for you next week.

Nov. 04 - Give yourself a time out
This is another I do tend to do regularly. Most days while the kids are outside playing I'll grab a cuppa and catch up on facebook and Kidspot news.

Nov. 05 - Bake something

Miss Emmy helped with these, and I got to use my new icing gadget

ended up chucking these, stuffed up the recipe

Nov. 06 - Call your mum
I managed 18 minutes before Little Miss, who I thought was asleep, came out of her room crying something to do with falling horses. Oh well. I did get the latest on the kitchen destruction renovation, and convinced my sister to be home for a lingerie party, and my brother survived the first sleep over with his little boy.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

*If I'm missing some "e's" along the way in here I swear it's only my dodgy keyboard and not that I can't spell*

Hey there, long time no see I know. Bit neglectful of me, oopps!

There's been 2 birthday's, 2 uni open days, and a STAT exam since my last check in.
To be honest I'm just taking it one step at a time and not thinking of the whole picture cos, seriously, I'll start freaking out about how much needs to be done in the next 4 years. AARRGHH!!

Anyways just a real shorty tonight. Letting you know I'm still around and will *hopefully* be starting to write again.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Image from here

I've decided I'd better get my little patootie in to gear and start blogging again, so here I am. Ta-daaa

What's been happening?
Well...I think I'll just ignore everything that I felt and did since last time I posted up until yesterday (nothing extraordinary, feeling down and shitty really).
Yesterday we frantically breakfasted, got dressed and jumped in the car to go to the dentist for Ethan. We (Ethan) are participating in a study about oral health and get free dental visits for said participant, WOOHOO! Not only did the lovely dentist check the little man's teeth (got another toothy coming through to add to the collection, by the way) she also did Emily too. Unfortunately little miss has what I call can't remember the actual term an under-bite that apparently can only be fixed with surgery. Yay! I think the consensus was to watch it for now and see if she ends up with a clicky jaw or any jaw pain.
I'm also having a little dental appointment in 2 weeks which I'm just a little scared about and embarrassed to be honest. I have no issue with them poking and prodding and doing dentisty business, I did spend the good part of 6 years with some sort of orthodontic device wrenching my teeth about. I'm scared, and embarrassed, about what they are going to find. I know I'm going to need at least fillings, I'm hoping that's all. As you can guess I've been a bit lax with the dental hygiene and i've mentally slapped myself so many times the last few months, I SHOULD KNOW BETTER!!!
Anyway, will let you know how that pans out in 2 weeks.

A bit sooner than that though is Ethan's 1st birthday this Saturday. I can't believe this time last year I was wishing and praying and sending "GET OUT!!!" thoughts to my belly so I wouldn't be induced in 3 days.
I'm only doing a low key morning tea but, geez, it's stressing me out. Honestly how hard is it to reply to an invitation and a reminder text! I need to just let it go and accept that it's their problem not mine, and that if they continue to be like this then they'll not get invited to family functions I'm organising and they will NOT be allowed to complain about it!

I'm also a bit nervous and excited about August as it's Open Day month and VTAC/SATAC applications open. I'm starting off in Mt Gambier in 10 days. Oooo, so exciting!

Wednesday 29 June 2011


For the last few weeks I've increasingly felt like a bad mum.
I've zero motivation to clean up, I feel like I'm constantly telling Emily off, feel like the only way she'll listen is to yell.
I'm also waiting for VTAC applications to open and open days at universities to come up as I'm wanting to enrol in a bachelor of nursing and midwifery, but now I've got little niggles about leaving my kids in childcare. I will miss out on things my kids do, the little milestones, but I want to get at least 3/4 of the way through before I'm 30 (4.5 years away and the double degree is 4 years long f/t).
I'm just feeling in limbo

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Weekly Thumbs

I'm a bit late this week I know, at my parents again. Hopefully they get their satellite fix and I'll be able to post stuff while I'm there

  • The snot and cough fest that is Emily. The poor love is still sick and cough to the point of vomiting. I’ve resorted to pulling the mattress off Ethan’s bed and putting it on the trundle in Emily’s room, unfortunately she still wants to climb in with both Ethan and I.
  • SAND! Admittedly I knew it was coming, we’ve finally put sand in Emily’s shell. It’s now walked all through the house, in fact it is still there as I just didn’t clean the house before we left.
  • The death stares from several other mothers as I wasn’t watching Emily and she got in to a fight at the shopping centre playground (oopps!). I did watch her afterwards and the other girl was being rather nasty to the other kids and wouldn’t stop following Emily when I tried to get her to play in another section. I was getting to the point of just letting Emily smack her one!

  • Seeing my parents again. I know we see them quite often but I love having that extra help for a while with the kids. They also get to play with the animals, and I don’t freak out about them getting run over.
  • Ethan’s toothy grin. He’s only got 4 so far and he’s not a ‘smiley’ baby, but when he does smile he wrinkles up his whole face and it’s the cutest thing ever (I think!)
  • Getting out to see some of my mum’s group. We don’t often catch up anymore but it’s nice to see them and the kids, and get out of the house.
  • Sand, as much as it irritates having it walked through the house the kids have a ball playing in it.
  • The good ol’ Kelpie Festival (pencil it in for next year. Casterton, Queen’s B’day long weekend) I don’t care how much Jason hates things like this and says it’s boring, it’s a lot of fun for the kids and it’s a nice atmosphere.
  • Emily having pony rides at said Kelpie Festival. It’s only the second time she’s been on a real life pony but she LOVES it.

Sunday 5 June 2011

Weekly Thumbs

Another week flown by!

  • Waking up to find BOTH children outside in the mud
  • Having disgusting headaches that include my nose, cheeks, and jaw from congested infected sinus
  • Waking up to a margarine smeared house
  • Waking up to find 2 muddy smiles
  • Afternoon nap cuddles with the kiddies
  • Getting some MCN's in the mail
  • Watching 'Lady and the Tramp' a bazillion times. We are siamese if you please, miaooww
  • Spending the afternoon with my Nana for her 70th birthday, and eating orange coconut cake

Sickness, parties and unbreakable eggs

So 3 weeks and 1 day ago my little family once again packed up and drove the 3.5 hours to my parents place. I knew there was going to be a few sneezes and sniffles as the 2 kiddies were coughing and sneezing on the way there.
What I did not realise was that it was going to be green snotty nose, I want a cuddle now sick. And I got sick. My poor nose was so blocked I couldn't taste food for 5 days. I must admit the not tasting but FEELING the chilli in dinner was an odd sensation.

Since Emily and I were pretty much recovered* a few days before we left I decided to brave the 1st birthday party we'd unofficially been invited to. I'm so glad we went (Jason stayed back at mum and dads with Ethan). There were marshmallows, butterfly cakes, fairy bread, the list goes on. Our hostess with the most-est rocked. Pin the tail, and a lolly hunt had the kids entertained.

By far the funniest game of day was the Egg and Spoon race. All the kids lined up with their spoons and were handed their eggs (raw, unaltered eggs). Emily and my 2yo nephew (brother's kidlet) finally got theirs and shouted at nicely to GO! My poor poss got knocked out by the 18 month old zig zagging across the field, but little Nicholas throw that egg with all his might. And it didn't break. He picked it up again and chucked it. Nope still whole. It was a full 5 minutes of him throwing and jumping on it until it FINALLY exploded.
The kid had so much fun, he thought the whole day was brilliant. Chasing after the other kids, toodling around the garden, drawing inside. Mine did too, but she's an outgoing imp
Thanks Neeny, Mick, Glen and Teagan for a fabulous day!

*My sinuses are still congested and for the last week, so much so, I've had whole face aches. Stupid colds!
Yay for handy mums who get sinus flushes and nasal sprays though.

Sunday 29 May 2011

Weekly Thumbs

Over at Bubs Under Budget tattoomummy is summarising her week by thumbs up/down. I'm thinking this a great idea and am going to play along too.

Starting with the not so nice

  • One word, mice
  • Cleaning so said mice don't have anywhere to hide
  • Miserable weather so only have 1/3 the line space to dry washing
  • Folding the mountain to cleaning washing that I've used the dryer to dry
  • Having a wonderful headache on and off for the last 3 days
  • Having a cleaner house
  • Having an awesome time at the play centre, thinking I might make it a regular thing.
  • The whole family over the cold we had at my parents
  • Getting the cobweb brush I've been meaning to get for the last 3 years. I can finally do them properly
  • Getting 2 bags of boys clothes just in time for Ethan to move to the next size.
  • The fact that the 2 kids dancing and bopping still cracks me up and think 'Aaww!' no matter how many times they have done it already

Friday 27 May 2011

I haate meeces to pieces!

A little while ago I read a post about mice and thought I'm SO glad that's not me with the mouse plague. Well guess who got karma'ed.

For the last few months weeks I've been ignoring the scrabbling in the walls and believing it'll stop sometime soon. That was until last week when Jason decided he'd just happen to mention in passing that he'd SEEN a mouse whizz by one night.


I like to think I'm a big brave tough girl, but honestly, I revert to girliness and jump up on chairs when I see a little furry body scurry by.* Unfortunately I have now fareeaked Emily out with one of my involuntary displays. Ooops! I am working on making it all a bit less scary though.

After several other sightings in the last couple of days we packed the family in the car and went to Bunnings to get us some traps.
We decided on the rotary type thing that teases the rodent. You stick your peanut butter in the middle via a little trapdoor and set it to "SET". The little blighters darlings sniff the aroma and come scurrying into the little round house and SNAP, the sucker is caught. Doesn't even get to taste it! SUCKED IN MOUSE!!

We had a victory very shortly after setting one (in fact it was mere minutes after I told hubby he needs to put the thing flat on the ground not sideways, fool)

I've been so happy about the whole mouse problem until about half an hour ago. While lying in the spare bed in Ethan's room feeding said child I saw a furry body scurry along the top of his drawers and into his disused (story for another day) cot. EEEEWWWWW!! I now have visions of mice running all over me and the boy while we sleep.


I'm so of to Bunnings to get me some more of those traps!

PS As I type this I can hear them running behing the couch, GGGRRR

*Funny story, no seriously it happened! While I was living with Mum (studying/working away from home) we had a little furry visitor that may or may not have been brought in by the cat to play with. No word of a lie, we both jump up on to the nearest chairs simultaneously. We wet ourselves, in between hyperventilating and heart palpitations.

Monday 23 May 2011

Still here

Thought I'd just let you know I'm still here. I was out of the webiverse for a whole 10 days, it almost killed me! Shall update you all on our little break to my parents place soon.

Friday 29 April 2011


In the spirit of the day here is a photo of me

Definitely NOT what I started out looking at.
I found out I was pregnant 3 months before the big day so had to look for something that would accommodate a growing belly.

When we (me, sister, mum, bestie, and her mum) went dress shopping I don't think the poor lady knew what hit her when we walked in. Mum's first words were "Right, we have a bride, pregnant getting bigger; matron of honour, pregnant, getting smaller; and bridesmaid, not pregnant and if she does she'll be shot!"

I think I look pretty noice if I do say so myself. Which, to be honest, is a WHOLE lot more than I can say about a couple of girls that I went to school with, and thanks to facebook have seen their photo's (ahem, stalker). I know that sounds mean but really, they are going to look back later and say "what the hell was I thinking?"

Don't get me wrong, their makeup and hair was lovely and they were wearing beautiful dresses, but you see their dresses were the problem. These girls had been the 'it girls' at school, skinny and popular and on the latest trend. They'd got a bit comfortable after school though, which is completely understandable nothing wrong with that, unfortunately they were still dressing like they were skinny minnies. Skintight bodices just don't look flattering on someone who has a bit of podge, kinda makes you look like a rolled pork loin ready for roasting.

It amazes me that they just couldn't see how wrong they looked in those dresses, maybe they were wedding blind.
I know I'm not the smallest person and I get it wrong sometimes but seriously, it's your wedding.

Just quietly, I'm having a little IN YOUR FACE moment 'cos they was complete biatches at school!

Saturday 23 April 2011

Mmm, caaaakkke

Yesterday I got out the Betty Crocker Devil's Food Cake. I thought maybe I'd attempt a bit of mother/daughter time which kinda worked, she got distracted and left. Came back for the beaters though!
All went swimmimgly, cooked and not burnt, cooled it down a bit before putting it on the cake rack on the dining table, put the chocolate frosting on. As soon as the frosting was on we had to have the obligatory taste-test slice, not bad, not bad.
We went about our business, I was still in the kitchen whipping up some muffins and biscuits (oh the domesticity!) then went on to feed Ethan. Emily had come in wanting to lay down with us then toodled off again to the loungeroom, or so I thought. I came out to two wide blue eyes in a chocolate face and this
At least she was neat, and it WAS made for eating. Loving the little finger marks in the frosting.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Addicted Already!

Today I bought my first lot of modern cloth nappies, or MCN's. Actually it was my second lot but the first lot were a false start, the seller listed them wrong on eBay and CLEARLY they are not one size fits most as the label says MEDIUM.

I won 3 in an auction on facebook and since I'd been looking at buying some from the company anyway ordered another 7 to bulk out the post satchel (I want value from my postage fees!). I can't wait to clad my babies bums in funky designs, I'm SO excited! I have to wait though, they're not being sent until Wednesday. I fear I may be starting a slippery slope down to MCN addiction!
We shall see how we go with sharing them between the 2 kiddies, there might be some fights over who wears what design.

Friday 15 April 2011

Real Stable, Baby

Ok, being a bit cheaty to stay within my weekly deadline.

Here's a photo from my (recent) archives.
I had given Hubby his tea and went to organise Emily with her's. I turned around to this sight

The Baby Stable Table
Ooo, his little wrists and ankles are so skinny in this photo. He's my chunky monkey now.

Stay tuned, not so cheaty post coming soon.

Friday 8 April 2011

Starting off

Ok. So my poor blog has sat here neglected for a while now. I thought I'd better bite the bullet and actually write something, so here I am!

I've decided to get some of my thoughts out in to the webiverse, and hopefully someone will read them too.
Now I have the ball rolling I'm going to try to post something AT LEAST once a week, please don't lynch me if I fail at this I will try my hardest I promise.
Also, bear with me while I tweak a few things around the blog, I'm still learning.