Monday 28 November 2011

Week 4 Funis Mumis

Nov. 21 - Bust again

Nov. 22 - Play!
Off to the playground with daddy

MUM! Don't take my photo

Nov. 23 - Read your favourite childhood book
Animalia! Love trying to find something new I've missed.

Nov. 24 - Tell a Mum You Care
Sent off a little note to a lovely blogging mummy. Although I haven't met her in real life she just makes me smile and is a little ray of sunshine.

Nov. 25 - Plan a Playdate
Had a bit of a play at the park with Miss Emmy's friend Indy. Then went for milkshakes and continued on to Miss Indy's house for more playing (and butt changing since that's kinda why we left the park.)

              - French Fry Friday
Since we ended up staying until 6pm I declared Fish 'n' chips for tea.
Waiting for our chips
Nov. 26 - Break the rules
PJ DAY!!! With movies and junk.

Nov. 27 - Rock on!
To some music program on the telly! I actually can't find my cd's, how flipping annoying!

Saturday 26 November 2011

Lust Haves

View more images of the TM 31...
My parents have one and it is AWESOME. It chops, grinds, mixes, steams, weighs, cooks, kneads, and generally does almost everything. I'm in love with the tuna dip we make in it.
If you ever get the chance to see a demo, GO TO IT.

DR. MARTENS 20 Eyelet Boot - Knee High Boots - Shoes - Photo
20 up Doc Martens
I just want a decent pair of black flat knee high boots.

A house
I am really longing for a place of my own, somewhere that is mine. I want to paint walls, hang pictures where I want, knock down a wall, do anything I want without having to consult a property manager and landlord. NOT HAVE BLOODY 6 MONTHLY INSPECTIONS!!
I want a veggie patch, my own garden, build a sandpit.
Aaahhh, one day.

Green - Toddler Anytimes Nappy
Green Kids Nappies
I just want more. So far they have worked really well. I just want more!

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Fun Mum Week 3

If you missd them Week 1 & Week 2 of Kidspots MUMvember challenge
This week marks half way. YEAH!

Nov. 14 - Be an active mum
Went for a walk to post Miss Emmy's letter then took the long way back. Unfortunately madam had a sore foot and I ended up piggy-backing her while trying to push the stroller. I'm sure it was a rather funny sight to the few people who walked/drove past us.

Nov. 15 - Listen to your kids
Rather interesting when packing frantically to leave for my parents! I won't mention the fact I probably should have done it the day before. A WHOLE lot easier while driving in the car. Poor Miss Emmy was asking Mr Oblivious Dad to close the window as it

Nov. 16 - Be an active mum
Mum, Sis and I went for our morning walk pushing the kiddies in the prams. Even saw a kangaroo!

Nov. 17 - Give yourself a time out
I spent a considerable amount of the day curled up on the bed reading. 'Twas rather lovely.

Nov. 18 - Play!

Sis and I took the kiddies over to Mount Gambier for the afternoon/evening. Started at the library (if you get the chance go there, IT'S AWESOMELY FANTASTIC!) just a quick trip as we failed to lift mum's library card so didn't borrow anything. A bit of drawing, clicking the mouse at the kids computers, and a run through the tunnel then off to get a choccy milkshake at the library cafe. Discovered I had no indicators (darn!), drove very carefully to the Valley Lake playground where we spent a good 2 hours playing then chasing the ducks.

Nov. 19 - Bake something
Should have got a photo of this one! Thanks to Fat Mum Slim I made a Tim Tam Tart. I modified it to do a big one instead of little ones. It was a great success, everyone loved it. I served up half of it and planned on using the other half for dessert but some sneaky sneaks ate the rest of it.

Nov. 20 - K, so this day was a bit of a bust. I did end up doing more reading though.

Monday 14 November 2011

Week 2 of being a fun mum

Kinda fell asleep putting the kiddies to bed last night before I could do this post. Doh!
Still doing the Kidspot MUMvember challenge, and here's last weeks (in case you can't see it :p)

Nov. 07 - Kiss your sleeping babies

Got a pictures this week

Nov. 08 - Plan a Playdate
Kinda cheaty as we meet up most weeks but I love learning more of these mummies. This week was really quick as the 3 of us who met up had shopping to do. We met up at our local Westfield for the free kids activity. Gingerbread decorating! (sadly I was too distracted by a toddler and preschooler with bright blue icing to take photos) Usually we'll have a bit of morning tea/lunch after the activity but since Mr A was turning 2 on the weekend A's mummy had to organise a cake and grab more deco's, and Preggy Mummy and I had to buy presents. On a side note, PM and I bumped into each other while PM was being harassed into Pixie photos. That Pixie Photo lady is a ninja!

Nov. 09 - Take a photo of the kids, and make sure you're in it!
 Smooshie face

Nov. 10 - Wear something different
I love these boots but don't get to wear them often. I was actually looking for a pair of black leather flats when I ended up buying these a couple of years ago.
When playgroup day came around this week I thought why not!

Nov. 11 - French Fry Friday

Nov. 12 - Have a reverse meal
Ice-cream for arvo tea. Chocolate sauce, choc chips and mini marshmallows. YUM!
Instead of having dessert right before tea I decided to have it a bit earlier. The kiddies, Miss Emmy especially, gets rather hyped up after sugar and I would rather not have them both racing around the house at 10 at night!

Nov. 13 - Write a letter and post it
I'm going to send it to my parents place since we are going there tomorrow. Will be a bit more special as Miss Emmy usually gos to check the mail.

Sunday 6 November 2011

MUMvember - Fun mum month

I'm participating in Kidspot's MUMvember challenge. I'm mixing them around and may do a couple twice as there are a few that probably aren't practical with young kids but I'll give 'em a good crack.

Here is my first week.

Nov. 01 - Plan a picnic dinner
Not exactly planned, more slapped together, but it was a bit of fun. Everyone sitting around the kiddy table and having our chippies, garlic bread, and my dodgy homemade rissoles.

Nov. 02 - Make a date with yourself
MY BIRTHDAY!! Went to the movies All. By. My. Self. 2 hours of chocolate, coke, and Matthew MacFadyen and Orlando Bloom in 3D. Oh yeah!

Nov. 03 - Kiss your sleeping babies
I get to do this every night.
I was going to take a photo of them but after screaming at them to go to bed then feeling really bad I ended up jumping in bed with Emmy, giving her a cuddle and going to sleep. I might sneak on in for you next week.

Nov. 04 - Give yourself a time out
This is another I do tend to do regularly. Most days while the kids are outside playing I'll grab a cuppa and catch up on facebook and Kidspot news.

Nov. 05 - Bake something

Miss Emmy helped with these, and I got to use my new icing gadget

ended up chucking these, stuffed up the recipe

Nov. 06 - Call your mum
I managed 18 minutes before Little Miss, who I thought was asleep, came out of her room crying something to do with falling horses. Oh well. I did get the latest on the kitchen destruction renovation, and convinced my sister to be home for a lingerie party, and my brother survived the first sleep over with his little boy.