Tuesday 22 November 2011

Fun Mum Week 3

If you missd them Week 1 & Week 2 of Kidspots MUMvember challenge
This week marks half way. YEAH!

Nov. 14 - Be an active mum
Went for a walk to post Miss Emmy's letter then took the long way back. Unfortunately madam had a sore foot and I ended up piggy-backing her while trying to push the stroller. I'm sure it was a rather funny sight to the few people who walked/drove past us.

Nov. 15 - Listen to your kids
Rather interesting when packing frantically to leave for my parents! I won't mention the fact I probably should have done it the day before. A WHOLE lot easier while driving in the car. Poor Miss Emmy was asking Mr Oblivious Dad to close the window as it

Nov. 16 - Be an active mum
Mum, Sis and I went for our morning walk pushing the kiddies in the prams. Even saw a kangaroo!

Nov. 17 - Give yourself a time out
I spent a considerable amount of the day curled up on the bed reading. 'Twas rather lovely.

Nov. 18 - Play!

Sis and I took the kiddies over to Mount Gambier for the afternoon/evening. Started at the library (if you get the chance go there, IT'S AWESOMELY FANTASTIC!) just a quick trip as we failed to lift mum's library card so didn't borrow anything. A bit of drawing, clicking the mouse at the kids computers, and a run through the tunnel then off to get a choccy milkshake at the library cafe. Discovered I had no indicators (darn!), drove very carefully to the Valley Lake playground where we spent a good 2 hours playing then chasing the ducks.

Nov. 19 - Bake something
Should have got a photo of this one! Thanks to Fat Mum Slim I made a Tim Tam Tart. I modified it to do a big one instead of little ones. It was a great success, everyone loved it. I served up half of it and planned on using the other half for dessert but some sneaky sneaks ate the rest of it.

Nov. 20 - K, so this day was a bit of a bust. I did end up doing more reading though.

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