Wednesday 29 June 2011


For the last few weeks I've increasingly felt like a bad mum.
I've zero motivation to clean up, I feel like I'm constantly telling Emily off, feel like the only way she'll listen is to yell.
I'm also waiting for VTAC applications to open and open days at universities to come up as I'm wanting to enrol in a bachelor of nursing and midwifery, but now I've got little niggles about leaving my kids in childcare. I will miss out on things my kids do, the little milestones, but I want to get at least 3/4 of the way through before I'm 30 (4.5 years away and the double degree is 4 years long f/t).
I'm just feeling in limbo

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Weekly Thumbs

I'm a bit late this week I know, at my parents again. Hopefully they get their satellite fix and I'll be able to post stuff while I'm there

  • The snot and cough fest that is Emily. The poor love is still sick and cough to the point of vomiting. I’ve resorted to pulling the mattress off Ethan’s bed and putting it on the trundle in Emily’s room, unfortunately she still wants to climb in with both Ethan and I.
  • SAND! Admittedly I knew it was coming, we’ve finally put sand in Emily’s shell. It’s now walked all through the house, in fact it is still there as I just didn’t clean the house before we left.
  • The death stares from several other mothers as I wasn’t watching Emily and she got in to a fight at the shopping centre playground (oopps!). I did watch her afterwards and the other girl was being rather nasty to the other kids and wouldn’t stop following Emily when I tried to get her to play in another section. I was getting to the point of just letting Emily smack her one!

  • Seeing my parents again. I know we see them quite often but I love having that extra help for a while with the kids. They also get to play with the animals, and I don’t freak out about them getting run over.
  • Ethan’s toothy grin. He’s only got 4 so far and he’s not a ‘smiley’ baby, but when he does smile he wrinkles up his whole face and it’s the cutest thing ever (I think!)
  • Getting out to see some of my mum’s group. We don’t often catch up anymore but it’s nice to see them and the kids, and get out of the house.
  • Sand, as much as it irritates having it walked through the house the kids have a ball playing in it.
  • The good ol’ Kelpie Festival (pencil it in for next year. Casterton, Queen’s B’day long weekend) I don’t care how much Jason hates things like this and says it’s boring, it’s a lot of fun for the kids and it’s a nice atmosphere.
  • Emily having pony rides at said Kelpie Festival. It’s only the second time she’s been on a real life pony but she LOVES it.

Sunday 5 June 2011

Weekly Thumbs

Another week flown by!

  • Waking up to find BOTH children outside in the mud
  • Having disgusting headaches that include my nose, cheeks, and jaw from congested infected sinus
  • Waking up to a margarine smeared house
  • Waking up to find 2 muddy smiles
  • Afternoon nap cuddles with the kiddies
  • Getting some MCN's in the mail
  • Watching 'Lady and the Tramp' a bazillion times. We are siamese if you please, miaooww
  • Spending the afternoon with my Nana for her 70th birthday, and eating orange coconut cake

Sickness, parties and unbreakable eggs

So 3 weeks and 1 day ago my little family once again packed up and drove the 3.5 hours to my parents place. I knew there was going to be a few sneezes and sniffles as the 2 kiddies were coughing and sneezing on the way there.
What I did not realise was that it was going to be green snotty nose, I want a cuddle now sick. And I got sick. My poor nose was so blocked I couldn't taste food for 5 days. I must admit the not tasting but FEELING the chilli in dinner was an odd sensation.

Since Emily and I were pretty much recovered* a few days before we left I decided to brave the 1st birthday party we'd unofficially been invited to. I'm so glad we went (Jason stayed back at mum and dads with Ethan). There were marshmallows, butterfly cakes, fairy bread, the list goes on. Our hostess with the most-est rocked. Pin the tail, and a lolly hunt had the kids entertained.

By far the funniest game of day was the Egg and Spoon race. All the kids lined up with their spoons and were handed their eggs (raw, unaltered eggs). Emily and my 2yo nephew (brother's kidlet) finally got theirs and shouted at nicely to GO! My poor poss got knocked out by the 18 month old zig zagging across the field, but little Nicholas throw that egg with all his might. And it didn't break. He picked it up again and chucked it. Nope still whole. It was a full 5 minutes of him throwing and jumping on it until it FINALLY exploded.
The kid had so much fun, he thought the whole day was brilliant. Chasing after the other kids, toodling around the garden, drawing inside. Mine did too, but she's an outgoing imp
Thanks Neeny, Mick, Glen and Teagan for a fabulous day!

*My sinuses are still congested and for the last week, so much so, I've had whole face aches. Stupid colds!
Yay for handy mums who get sinus flushes and nasal sprays though.