Monday 14 November 2011

Week 2 of being a fun mum

Kinda fell asleep putting the kiddies to bed last night before I could do this post. Doh!
Still doing the Kidspot MUMvember challenge, and here's last weeks (in case you can't see it :p)

Nov. 07 - Kiss your sleeping babies

Got a pictures this week

Nov. 08 - Plan a Playdate
Kinda cheaty as we meet up most weeks but I love learning more of these mummies. This week was really quick as the 3 of us who met up had shopping to do. We met up at our local Westfield for the free kids activity. Gingerbread decorating! (sadly I was too distracted by a toddler and preschooler with bright blue icing to take photos) Usually we'll have a bit of morning tea/lunch after the activity but since Mr A was turning 2 on the weekend A's mummy had to organise a cake and grab more deco's, and Preggy Mummy and I had to buy presents. On a side note, PM and I bumped into each other while PM was being harassed into Pixie photos. That Pixie Photo lady is a ninja!

Nov. 09 - Take a photo of the kids, and make sure you're in it!
 Smooshie face

Nov. 10 - Wear something different
I love these boots but don't get to wear them often. I was actually looking for a pair of black leather flats when I ended up buying these a couple of years ago.
When playgroup day came around this week I thought why not!

Nov. 11 - French Fry Friday

Nov. 12 - Have a reverse meal
Ice-cream for arvo tea. Chocolate sauce, choc chips and mini marshmallows. YUM!
Instead of having dessert right before tea I decided to have it a bit earlier. The kiddies, Miss Emmy especially, gets rather hyped up after sugar and I would rather not have them both racing around the house at 10 at night!

Nov. 13 - Write a letter and post it
I'm going to send it to my parents place since we are going there tomorrow. Will be a bit more special as Miss Emmy usually gos to check the mail.

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