Wednesday 27 July 2011

Image from here

I've decided I'd better get my little patootie in to gear and start blogging again, so here I am. Ta-daaa

What's been happening?
Well...I think I'll just ignore everything that I felt and did since last time I posted up until yesterday (nothing extraordinary, feeling down and shitty really).
Yesterday we frantically breakfasted, got dressed and jumped in the car to go to the dentist for Ethan. We (Ethan) are participating in a study about oral health and get free dental visits for said participant, WOOHOO! Not only did the lovely dentist check the little man's teeth (got another toothy coming through to add to the collection, by the way) she also did Emily too. Unfortunately little miss has what I call can't remember the actual term an under-bite that apparently can only be fixed with surgery. Yay! I think the consensus was to watch it for now and see if she ends up with a clicky jaw or any jaw pain.
I'm also having a little dental appointment in 2 weeks which I'm just a little scared about and embarrassed to be honest. I have no issue with them poking and prodding and doing dentisty business, I did spend the good part of 6 years with some sort of orthodontic device wrenching my teeth about. I'm scared, and embarrassed, about what they are going to find. I know I'm going to need at least fillings, I'm hoping that's all. As you can guess I've been a bit lax with the dental hygiene and i've mentally slapped myself so many times the last few months, I SHOULD KNOW BETTER!!!
Anyway, will let you know how that pans out in 2 weeks.

A bit sooner than that though is Ethan's 1st birthday this Saturday. I can't believe this time last year I was wishing and praying and sending "GET OUT!!!" thoughts to my belly so I wouldn't be induced in 3 days.
I'm only doing a low key morning tea but, geez, it's stressing me out. Honestly how hard is it to reply to an invitation and a reminder text! I need to just let it go and accept that it's their problem not mine, and that if they continue to be like this then they'll not get invited to family functions I'm organising and they will NOT be allowed to complain about it!

I'm also a bit nervous and excited about August as it's Open Day month and VTAC/SATAC applications open. I'm starting off in Mt Gambier in 10 days. Oooo, so exciting!