Friday 8 April 2011

Starting off

Ok. So my poor blog has sat here neglected for a while now. I thought I'd better bite the bullet and actually write something, so here I am!

I've decided to get some of my thoughts out in to the webiverse, and hopefully someone will read them too.
Now I have the ball rolling I'm going to try to post something AT LEAST once a week, please don't lynch me if I fail at this I will try my hardest I promise.
Also, bear with me while I tweak a few things around the blog, I'm still learning.


  1. Hi Katie,
    Nice work on starting your blog. I'm pleased to say that I'm your first of many followers to come and look forward to reading your 'weekly' posts.


  2. Thanks Jacqui,
    Oh pressure now, I know someone's watching haha
