Sunday 6 November 2011

MUMvember - Fun mum month

I'm participating in Kidspot's MUMvember challenge. I'm mixing them around and may do a couple twice as there are a few that probably aren't practical with young kids but I'll give 'em a good crack.

Here is my first week.

Nov. 01 - Plan a picnic dinner
Not exactly planned, more slapped together, but it was a bit of fun. Everyone sitting around the kiddy table and having our chippies, garlic bread, and my dodgy homemade rissoles.

Nov. 02 - Make a date with yourself
MY BIRTHDAY!! Went to the movies All. By. My. Self. 2 hours of chocolate, coke, and Matthew MacFadyen and Orlando Bloom in 3D. Oh yeah!

Nov. 03 - Kiss your sleeping babies
I get to do this every night.
I was going to take a photo of them but after screaming at them to go to bed then feeling really bad I ended up jumping in bed with Emmy, giving her a cuddle and going to sleep. I might sneak on in for you next week.

Nov. 04 - Give yourself a time out
This is another I do tend to do regularly. Most days while the kids are outside playing I'll grab a cuppa and catch up on facebook and Kidspot news.

Nov. 05 - Bake something

Miss Emmy helped with these, and I got to use my new icing gadget

ended up chucking these, stuffed up the recipe

Nov. 06 - Call your mum
I managed 18 minutes before Little Miss, who I thought was asleep, came out of her room crying something to do with falling horses. Oh well. I did get the latest on the kitchen destruction renovation, and convinced my sister to be home for a lingerie party, and my brother survived the first sleep over with his little boy.

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