Friday 29 April 2011


In the spirit of the day here is a photo of me

Definitely NOT what I started out looking at.
I found out I was pregnant 3 months before the big day so had to look for something that would accommodate a growing belly.

When we (me, sister, mum, bestie, and her mum) went dress shopping I don't think the poor lady knew what hit her when we walked in. Mum's first words were "Right, we have a bride, pregnant getting bigger; matron of honour, pregnant, getting smaller; and bridesmaid, not pregnant and if she does she'll be shot!"

I think I look pretty noice if I do say so myself. Which, to be honest, is a WHOLE lot more than I can say about a couple of girls that I went to school with, and thanks to facebook have seen their photo's (ahem, stalker). I know that sounds mean but really, they are going to look back later and say "what the hell was I thinking?"

Don't get me wrong, their makeup and hair was lovely and they were wearing beautiful dresses, but you see their dresses were the problem. These girls had been the 'it girls' at school, skinny and popular and on the latest trend. They'd got a bit comfortable after school though, which is completely understandable nothing wrong with that, unfortunately they were still dressing like they were skinny minnies. Skintight bodices just don't look flattering on someone who has a bit of podge, kinda makes you look like a rolled pork loin ready for roasting.

It amazes me that they just couldn't see how wrong they looked in those dresses, maybe they were wedding blind.
I know I'm not the smallest person and I get it wrong sometimes but seriously, it's your wedding.

Just quietly, I'm having a little IN YOUR FACE moment 'cos they was complete biatches at school!

Saturday 23 April 2011

Mmm, caaaakkke

Yesterday I got out the Betty Crocker Devil's Food Cake. I thought maybe I'd attempt a bit of mother/daughter time which kinda worked, she got distracted and left. Came back for the beaters though!
All went swimmimgly, cooked and not burnt, cooled it down a bit before putting it on the cake rack on the dining table, put the chocolate frosting on. As soon as the frosting was on we had to have the obligatory taste-test slice, not bad, not bad.
We went about our business, I was still in the kitchen whipping up some muffins and biscuits (oh the domesticity!) then went on to feed Ethan. Emily had come in wanting to lay down with us then toodled off again to the loungeroom, or so I thought. I came out to two wide blue eyes in a chocolate face and this
At least she was neat, and it WAS made for eating. Loving the little finger marks in the frosting.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Addicted Already!

Today I bought my first lot of modern cloth nappies, or MCN's. Actually it was my second lot but the first lot were a false start, the seller listed them wrong on eBay and CLEARLY they are not one size fits most as the label says MEDIUM.

I won 3 in an auction on facebook and since I'd been looking at buying some from the company anyway ordered another 7 to bulk out the post satchel (I want value from my postage fees!). I can't wait to clad my babies bums in funky designs, I'm SO excited! I have to wait though, they're not being sent until Wednesday. I fear I may be starting a slippery slope down to MCN addiction!
We shall see how we go with sharing them between the 2 kiddies, there might be some fights over who wears what design.

Friday 15 April 2011

Real Stable, Baby

Ok, being a bit cheaty to stay within my weekly deadline.

Here's a photo from my (recent) archives.
I had given Hubby his tea and went to organise Emily with her's. I turned around to this sight

The Baby Stable Table
Ooo, his little wrists and ankles are so skinny in this photo. He's my chunky monkey now.

Stay tuned, not so cheaty post coming soon.

Friday 8 April 2011

Starting off

Ok. So my poor blog has sat here neglected for a while now. I thought I'd better bite the bullet and actually write something, so here I am!

I've decided to get some of my thoughts out in to the webiverse, and hopefully someone will read them too.
Now I have the ball rolling I'm going to try to post something AT LEAST once a week, please don't lynch me if I fail at this I will try my hardest I promise.
Also, bear with me while I tweak a few things around the blog, I'm still learning.